What constitutes harassment?

Physical threats, off-color jokes at the water cooler, unwelcome sexual advances -- all of this conduct may be considered harassment under certain conditions. The law provides the most protection for citizens at the state level, which means harassment laws vary depending on your location. Here's a look at some of the behaviors that the law recognizes as harassment. 

When you can face legal trouble for your child's actions

Parenthood -- it can be one of life's hardest and most rewarding jobs. Unfortunately, it can become even harder if a child ends up in legal trouble. What many parents don't realize is that a juvenile's legal issues can also involve the guardians; depending on the state, a parent can be held civilly or even criminally liable for the actions of a child under the age of 18.

Are you violating hands-free laws in your state?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving accounted for roughly 10 percent of 2014's auto fatalities, killing nearly 3,200 individuals and injuring another 431,000. Though eating, reading and talking to passengers all qualify as "distracted driving," cellphone use is the most common type of distraction.

When can minors be tried as adults?

Recent high-profile cases such as the 2014 Slender Man stabbing highlight the controversial practice of trying accused juveniles as adults. How do prosecutors decide which cases involving minors land in adult courts and which stay in the juvenile system? It's a complicated combination of laws, guidelines and judicial choice. 

What are the rights of passengers during a traffic stop?

Traffic-stop confrontations between police and motorists have made the news on a regular basis in recent years, leading to serious discussions about drivers' rights. Many experts advise drivers to comply first and complain later, but when it comes to passengers, what's expected? Do those riding in a vehicle that gets pulled over face the same requirements as those behind the wheel? 

What's the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?

Whether or not you ever find yourself facing legal issues, it's useful to have a working knowledge of everyday legal terminology. Criminal acts fall into two categories: misdemeanors and felonies. But what's the difference? Which comes with a heavier punishment and what offenses are common among each? Let's break it down. 

I Am Not a Former Prosecutor, and Proud of It

I have practiced criminal defense my entire career. In all my criminal cases I have sat on the defense side of the table.  Every time. I am not a former prosecutor, and proud of it. 

There are many things to consider when hiring a criminal defense attorney. In many ways it is one of the most important decisions you can ever make.  So much is at stake. One thing you need to decide is whether you want to hire a former prosecutor.