
Infrographic: Know Your Rights

StumbleUpon is one of my favorite reading sites. For those unfamiliar with the site, it is the perfect way to pass time online where you want to find interesting things to read but do not know where to find the content.  When you sign up for free, it asks you your interest and then searches the web for you to find articles you may be interested in.  Great stuff.  Of course I am interested in law and so when I "stumbled" upon the below infographic I was quite pleased and impressed. We also have begun making infographics here on our site.

The info graphic concerns a variety of criminal law and criminal procedure issues that impact the average citizen in their daily life.  We discuss many of these same issues here on our site but extra information is always a good thing.  Our main goal here at the firm is to inform the public about any issues that are pertinent to them and the criminal justice system.
