Human Trafficking

When facing sex crime and human trafficking charges in the federal courts, you need an experienced, aggressive, and knowledgeable human trafficking attorney. Human trafficking is often referred to as “modern day slavery,” and can be labor trafficking, sex trafficking, or both. The penalties for such crimes are some of the most severe of any in the federal system. The penalties for such charges can include heavy fines, time in prison and more.

What Will Happen to Me if I Am Prosecuted for Federal Human Trafficking Charges?

If you've been convicted of human trafficking violations, you face heavy fines and penalties. A conviction of sex trafficking cam carry a penalty of anywhere from a few years in prison all the to life in prison. Child trafficking also carries serious consequences, including decades in prison and potentially a listing on sex offender registries if the charges include sexual misconduct. Law enforcement was even given greater powers in order to investigate those accused of human trafficking. The penalties for human trafficking are more serious than ever, and a human trafficking attorney can help you navigate human trafficking laws, investigations, trials and appeals.

Do I Have Any Defenses to Human Trafficking Charges?

Human trafficking is considered modern day slavery and accusations can be taken far out of context by prosecutors, the press and others. If you're facing such charges, you need a federal trafficking attorney with a deep understanding of the law, experience defending against such charges and a successful track record of defending people in similar situations. Federal and state agencies investigating child trafficking and human trafficking usually take months to execute their investigation and spend countless dollars.

Contact us at (559) 374-2012 and speak with a human trafficking lawyer experienced in federal trafficking crimes.